Whether it’s for personal notetaking, efficiently recording your to-dos, documenting important details of a meeting or even ideating out loud – recording a voice note on Noicely can be a great solution for all your needs.

Talk to Noicely
Ever had an amazing idea about a new content piece or an epiphany regarding a business problem but when you try to write it down, your mind just goes blank?
This happens because when we type or write something, we often need to condense our thoughts, leading to a loss of context, tone, and subtle nuances.
On the other hand, voice-notes offer a more comprehensive and natural way of capturing information. By speaking our thoughts aloud, we can convey not only the words themselves but also the intonation, emphasis, and emotions associated with them. This added context can significantly enhance the quality and depth of our notes, making them more meaningful and easier to interpret during future reference.
Using Noicely’s Notes section, you can simply press the record button and let your thoughts flow. It’s like thinking out loud while talking to a friend or a colleague.
Work Smarter not Harder
All the voice-notes on Noicely come with an editable transcription. As soon as you are done recording, Noicely cleans up any typos and adds punctuation marks wherever needed. To give this voice-note some structure, you can easily add or delete text and format it however you like. When you feel ready to share your brilliant ideas, you can easily share these notes with your team directly through our app.
Along with this, you can categorise these notes based on tags and create a readily-available personal knowledge base for yourself.
What’s Next
With our upcoming update, you will be able to share your notes not just with people on Noicely but with anyone across the world – all through a publicly shareable link.
Get Early Access now and say goodbye to old-school notetaking!