
Onboarding New Employees Easily with Noicely

Let’s imagine a scene.

Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, a renowned paper supplier in Scranton, Pennsylvania is facing some challenges in their current onboarding processes. To address these challenges, the company decides to implement a new approach using

Read on to know how Noicely can benefit your company as well, making your onboarding & knowledge transfer systems much more seamless & efficient.

Onboarding New Employees


  • Time-consuming onboarding process: Michael Scott loves to talk, and his orientation sessions tend to run long, with lots of tangents and distractions, leaving new hires feeling overwhelmed and anxious to start their actual work.

  • Overwhelming amount of information: Angela is known for her attention to detail, and her written documentation is extensive, with tedious procedures and jargon that new hires find hard to understand, leading to confusion and frustration.

  • Lack of engagement and interactivity: The current onboarding process at Dunder Mifflin lacks interactivity, with new hires being passive recipients of information. This can result in reduced engagement and knowledge retention among the new employees.

How can Noicely help?

  • Improved efficiency: With the help of, Dunder Mifflin can streamline the onboarding process and make it more efficient. New employees can listen to noice-notes on their own time, reducing the need for lengthy orientation sessions and piles of written documentation. This freed up time can be used for more hands-on activities.

  • Enhanced accessibility and referenceability: Noice-notes are easily accessible and can be listened to on-demand, making it convenient for new hires to revisit the information as needed.

  • Increased engagement and interactivity: Noicely provide a more engaging and interactive way of conveying information. New hires now have time to process information, make notes and seek clarifications. This fosters better understanding and retention of knowledge, along with much more nuanced communication between the participants.

  • Easy Scalability: Noice-notes can be easily recorded and shared with multiple new hires, making it a scalable solution for onboarding. For instance, Dunder Mifflin can now create list of FAQs that can be used any time a new hire joins the company. These FAQs will have the personal touch of voice and will also have a written record for easy reference at any time.

  • Flexibility & Inclusivity: Noicely allows for flexibility in the onboarding process, as new employees can listen to noice-notes at their own pace, on their preferred devices, and from any location. Participants have the option to choose their mode of consumption, making the product much more inclusive.

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